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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Junior Shins

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My Squirt-aged son has outgrown his shinpads (11" ccms from a few years ago).  He's still wearing them, but there is a legit gap between the bottom of the pad and his skates, so he won't be able to keep them much longer.  Living in Austin, Tx, I don't really have access to much in the way of an actual LHS, so I recently purchased some Easton 12" junior pads from a major online retailer on clearance and i can't believe how big they are compared to the 11's.  They honestly aren't much smaller than my 14s. He MIGHT get away with the length if he starts going over the tongue (still seem long), but the width/circumference is such that the straps are worthless and taping heavily is the only way to keep them in place.  Has anyone else struggled with this?  Maybe an 11" in the same style of the new ones would be bigger than his old 11"s?   I feel like these companies don't realized how skinny a 10-year old's leg often can be......

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Ya, I know what you mean. We had some Warrior's that were pretty narrow.


That's why I like to use one brand and kind of get to know there model lines and how they fit.

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