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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey Skate Fit Question!

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Hi all, long time lurker first time poster. A little background, played hockey since i was in diapers, junior a, college. I'm 30 and i'm getting back into some leagues, I haven't bought skates in 12 years, the last ones being mission pure flys, boy has technology changed.


Long story short, I was sized and found a good deal on a pair of Bauers. The fit is great front to back, good heel lock, good width. I baked them and they feel great. After doing some research I came across "the pencil test" which I never heard of in all my years. I fail but by such a small amount, the amount being I barely fail with socks on, and pass without socks on. (I haven't skated on them by the way)



My question is, after skating and breaking them in (I'm almost 200lbs.) will I gain that little 1mm to pass the pencil test once my foot is settled in the boot?

If not, what are my options? Baking twice? punching? I know I'm probably being paranoid because it is such a smallllllllllll amount I fail by but I figured this was a good place to ask.


I attached some pictures of the skate laced up at about 90% tightness and as you can see I seem to be wrapped on both sides pretty well up and down the boot.



Thanks in advance!

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