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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Refurbished sticks

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Been looking at top of the line refurbished sticks. I've heard good and bad things. Does anyone experience with them? I heard many people use them mostly as backup sticks and not as their main sticks. If done right and depending on the break (blade vs shaft) I think they could easily be fixed with minimal negatives but I would love to hear first-hand experiences. 

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I can't say I've ever tried a refurbished stick. Honestly, I'm not sure how that would be done? I wouldn't do it, you don't know the history of the stick, how long it was used, what kind of stress fractures exist, etc.


If you are looking for a well made stick without breaking the bank, check out the True A4.5 and A4.5 SBP. I use the A5.2 SBP which is the next set up but these are great sticks, true one piece design, great weight and balance, durable, and well priced. If you are getting back into the game (as indicated by your post about MX3 steel) I highly suggest checking these out. (BTW, I do not work for TRUE, I just really like what I have seen from them).

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