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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Boston Area B/C Draft League Looking for Players

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I play in a B/C league that's looking for players. We re-draft every season, so you don't need to know anyone to sign up. It's quality, competitive hockey, but still fun and guys have a good attitude. Hard battles during the game, hard chillin' after the game. It was called Greater Boston Hockey for 6 years or so, then it got taken over by Hockey New England. Guys in the league do a good job managing things, so it's easy to find someone to talk to if you're unhappy with something.

- 2 refs, 15 minute stopped clock periods

- Typical skill level is guys who played in high school and maybe lower level college. There's some studs, some um, not studs.

- Monday/Tuesday league plays at Watertown,

-Thursday league plays mostly at Somerville, some at Watertown

- League runs late Sept through April, then there's a summer session as well.

- Eval skates on 8/22 at the Edge rink in Bedford and 9/22 at the watertown rink, if you want to get a feel for it.

http://www.hockeynewengland.net/   website kind of sucks right now. Kind of really sucks. I can try to answer any questions you have.

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