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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skates with Supreme like fit

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Hey all, I'm thinking of getting my niece a pair of inlines for Christmas and need some help on which ones to get her. She's skating in supremes right now and they fit her really well, but Bauer doesn't make supreme inlines, so I need some advice on what model fits closest to the supremes. Any suggestions?

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Bauer owns Mission (they bought them around 2008 or 2009 if I recall correctly) and has used the Supreme last for Mission skates for the last several years.

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Oh great, one more question, how does the sizing work with inlines? She wears a 3.5D Supreme, but I notice that the Missions are all E widths, should I get the same size as her Supremes or are the widths going to be different?

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Hmmm, I didn't realize the Junior skates only seem to come in E. I know the higher end senior models are available in both D and EE and some of the lower lines are only available in one width, but it does seem like the junior skates are only available in E. A 3.5E should be the same length as her 3.5D ice skates, but slightly wider.

The extra width may or may not be a problem; you won't know until she tries them on and sees if there's any heel lift or too much negative space. If she wore a senior size or at least a large junior sized boot, then I'd say a conversion would be the other option, but from a quick search on IW it seems like only senior sized chassis are available to buy separately. So to convert a junior ice boot you'd also have to buy a pair of inline boots (could be used or old stock) to cannibalize...it could be done, but is a lot of effort and very likely more expensive than purchasing a stock boot.

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