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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skates for a 2 year old

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Morning all,

New member here came across the forum trying to track down some skates for my two year old. He will be starting roller hockey in January and we are having a hell of a time finding inline skates for him.

Anyone know of a youth size 8 roller hockey skates, I heard mission had some older ones that were pretty good anyone have a pair of those they'd sell?

Im looking to buy either new or used if you have some or know of a website please let me know.


Thanks in advance


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No experience with the brand but that is probably the route I would go. My two year old just started skating but we had some skates from her older sister still around. Kids feet grow so fast its' nice to have some adjustable when they are young.

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Verbero are very nice. Make sure you do not get 2-3 sizes bigger than your kid needs. Skates should fit peoperly, or you might end up causing many problems. Prepare yourself to buy skates probably twice a year until he is 5 or 6, then you probably can do once a year :). Craigslist and ebay are your friends. Keep the skates clean so you can sell them.

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Yea these are adjustable up to a size 9 so should be able to get a couple years or so out of them, hes a bit bigger than my middle kid. My 5 year old just recently changed to a size 10 ice skate, so only time will tell.



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