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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Getting Away Wrist Shots

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Actually if you develop a good wrist shot..your snap shot will also get better...a "snap shot" is just an abbreviated wrist shot...the reason so many have trouble with the wrist shot is that it requires more weight transfer timing (as was stated above) to be effective...However just for giggles...one of the top goal scorers in Pro and semi pro inline hockey...Ron Tracey, scores about 75% of his goals with a deadly wrist shot.

Most people who started playing hockey with a ball end up playing puck with a snap shot, sometimes a decent slap shot, but often a terrible wrist shot....The reason being that when using a ball it becomes very difficult to draw it back, cup the stick and begin the shot....the blade usually just rolls over the ball..particularily if you use tape on it. Hence most kids end up playing the ball much farther forward, and end up learning the basics of a snap shot. Like all other shooting....it just takes practice, and more practice....

The other major thing that must be done for getting off effective wrist shots, is be aware of where you recieve a pass. If you have your stick extended as a target and recieve the pass in that position, you are already limited to making a "snap shot" on a quick "recieve and release" motion, because the puck is already out in front of you. If you put your stick out and then as you recieve the pass take it back while actually recieving the puck, then you are in position to release a good wrist shot.

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Especially with Drurys.  Wrist shots with Drurys suck, but snaps are amazing.

my wrist shots are cannons with the drury.

The wristers of my brother are pretty fast with the Drury/Kovalev.

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