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Goal crease size in juniors

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Crease is also semicircular shape... The reason is that it is an IIHF tournament  and is played on what we know as Olympic rink. It is also wider by a bit. When you are on the rink, it feels way bigger than NHL, but in actual feet, it is not that much bigger. Rules a little different as well. KHL and other European leagues play on these rinks as well. For WCOH as it is an NHL event, the European rinks are matched to NHL by moving the boards in and changing the paint job.

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1 hour ago, Kgbeast said:

Crease is also semicircular shape... The reason is that it is an IIHF tournament  and is played on what we know as Olympic rink. It is also wider by a bit. When you are on the rink, it feels way bigger than NHL, but in actual feet, it is not that much bigger. Rules a little different as well. KHL and other European leagues play on these rinks as well. For WCOH as it is an NHL event, the European rinks are matched to NHL by moving the boards in and changing the paint job.

Wrong on a few counts. First, the NHL rinks are NHL size. This doesn't change just because it's an IIHF tournament. 

Second, they don't change the euro rinks for WCOH. That's one of the adjustments North American teams just have to deal with when playing in a tournament in Europe.

In addition to address the original question, the NHL crease was like that too until recently when they implemented the "foot in the crease" rule in 99. They removed the rule but didn't change the crease back for whatever reason.

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