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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Will Graf holders/blades still be readily available?

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Vaughn Hockey is now replacing Graf Canada. They are distributor, manufacturer, and R&D for Graf products in NA. As for how soon, serious, or promising this is, you can email to mvaughn at vaughnhockey.com. Post the answer here. Although most on this board do not care, a few (including myself) do. In my opinion, Graf holders are still unmatched in energy transfer and impact resistance characteristics.

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I myself have been stocking up on NT 5000 holders as well as extra sets of runners and hardware. I'd recommend you search the internet and eBay to do the same.

Worst case scenario you can always have Tuuks mounted on your skates. However I too prefer Graf holders. 

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For anyone who's interested this is from Mike:

"We took over distribution of the Graf skate line back last August.   We do now have inventory in stock of skates and all the replacement blades and holders as well.   The Graf Cobra blade is still model used on new skates and what we have in stock."



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16 minutes ago, psyx said:

For anyone who's interested this is from Mike:

"We took over distribution of the Graf skate line back last August.   We do now have inventory in stock of skates and all the replacement blades and holders as well.   The Graf Cobra blade is still model used on new skates and what we have in stock."



Is this from today?

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Yes this is from 20 minutes ago. I don't see anything about this on their website, unless I'm missing something, but still sounds good.

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