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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer Supreme 1000

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I have an old pair of Bauer 1000 (30+ years)  that were regularly used (2+ times a week) up until about 12 years ago. They were the most comfortable skate I have ever owned. I could wear them for hours with no discomfort. Recent attempts wearing them have proved extremely uncomfortable. I have trouble keeping them on for as little as 15 minutes.  My shoe size and my weight have not changed.  I am assuming the original form fit liner (I believe it was called super feet)  has hardened. Is there any way to soften this or are the skates scrap? I am a senior and can't justify buying a new pair for the limited use they would get. Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.

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If you have not skate in 12 years it might take some time for you to readjusted to being on the ice.  The skates have aged and so to, my friend, have you!!

While skates have changed a lot in 30 years, and by todays standards yes they are probably crap, that doesn't mean you cannot use them for a trip around the rink at a public session.  They might have dried out over time so look for that.  Maybe try a different footbed.  Heck, you might even try baking them but I'd defer to those who know better than me on how that skate at that age will react to it.

Good luck!

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Not an expert, but have you ever tried putting on an old pair of runners that you haven't worn for years? I find that the materials they're made from have dried out, at least a little. I think the same thing happens with skates, at least with all my really old ones.  It's a bit gross when you think about it, but when you're constantly wearing footwear, your sweat kind of moisturises things like leather, your foot soles, and the skate lining. 

Without seeing the skate and stuff like that, best I can suggest is to replace the foot liner, either with a new one or one from out of an old pair of sneakers, at least to being with, and then... ahem... moisturise. I figure it's probably going to be a little like breaking in a new pair of skates. 

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