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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Blackburns Trapper

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I just heard about Blackburn, not being a ranger fan I don't check him out often, but apperantly he's been out the past year because of a shoulder (could be wrong) injury which happened in off-season training. This injury caused some nerve damage, and all has been restored, but a single nerve which aids in the glove hand has not and may never be restored. So to allow him to play he has a special trapper. It is essentially a blocker, but on the bottom part of the glove its a trapper. Kind've difficult to explain and I haven't located a picture, but apperantly it's legal and he is trying it out in some ECHL practices.

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just read the article on him in Face-Off and theres no mention of a special mitt :huh:

it talks about his recovery and how he feels it isn't going as quickly as he would like but doesn't say owt about a majorly screwd nerve :ph34r:

but if it is true i wouldn't mind seeing this special mitt as i end up using my mitt as a blocker sometimes grrr

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just read the article on him in Face-Off and theres no mention of a special mitt :huh:

it talks about his recovery and how he feels it isn't going as quickly as he would like but doesn't say owt about a majorly screwd nerve  :ph34r:

but if it is true i wouldn't mind seeing this special mitt as i end up using my mitt as a blocker sometimes grrr

There's a new issue? How's my column looking? :)

Whoops, I think that was last issue, the one with Gretzky and my glove colum.

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sweetfolio you have a colum in Face-Off??

i have the one with Gretzky on it... but didn't read all of it coz i only got it like a day before the new issue featuring Blackburn came out!

i shall have a lookie for your colum... u say it's about trappers or just glvoes in general?

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It's pretty innovative. Sportsnet (Canada) did a little segment on him a couple of weeks ago. It's basically a blocker/trapper. On the outside it's your regular blocker and on the inside it's a trapper, although the glove hand isn't deep enough. Shame that this had to happen to a guy who showed great potential back in his days but he's not doing bad for the Salmon Kings so far.

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I know his summer goal coach, Ian Clark, he was lifting too much weights and pinched the nerve in his left shoulder and then the nerve got smaller and then wamm no more nerve, he cant lift his shoulder up, and he wears a blocker with a glove under neath

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