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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Speaker Troubles

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I just noticed a few nights ago that my speakers don't work. They are plugged in, I generally have them turned off, or with no volume so I hadn't noticed, but they just stopped working. Didn't pop or anything. Could it be a configuration problem or did I bend a wire somewhere? I was soming alot of stuff around under the desk so I could've put something heavy over it, but there are no wires obstructing it. Any ideas on some things I could try to salvage whats left or am I done and need new ones?

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Did you check your system to see if the sound card itself is still okay? Did you add or remove any software that may have affected your SC?

Also, did you check the main Volume toolbar. My GF's machine kept muting her speakers...everytime she restarted the machine it would mute the speakers...can't even remember what we did to fix it.

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if your on xp. go to:

1. control panel

2. performance and maintenance

3. then click on system

4. click on the hardware tab

5. device manager

then if somethings wrong it should notify you.

or if you still have your motherboard disc i think it is. pop that in, and it should correct it. something may have disabled your sound card thats built into your mother board. unless you have a real sound card. then you should just pop in that disc and run it.

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Couldn't you try plugging your speakers into your stereo (or anything with a mini-jack output) to see if they work before deciding on tossing them?

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you can do trial and error. I had the same problem, I took a pair of head phones and plugged them in and still no sound (so that eliminates the speakers as the problem). I opened up the computer and I noticed that the cable from the sound card fell off (pretty rare).

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