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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Graf Holder sizing question

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I'm in some NOS Graf 535 skates.  Size 5.  Really only thing I have found that fits my funky feet, outside of going custom.  Thinking of trying to prepare for the future in these skates and pick up some spare parts while I can.

Holder on the skates (Cobra 2000, with non-replaceable steel) says it is 246.  Looking through catalogs and such, Graf doesn't seem to make a Cobra 3000 or 5000 (replaceable steel holders) in the same size.  They make a 242 though.  Is this the obvious choice to pick up in case I need to replace the current holder or steel? 

I looked on the Step Steel website and their sizing chart says a Graf 242 holder takes their size 246 steel.  So, I am thinking they are nearly the same.  I know 4mm isn't much, but makes a big difference when looking to replace precision parts, so want to make sure I am not wasting any cash I might lay out.  

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Not only sizing, but also hole pattern will not match. You be altering holes. I think you are betier off to get a new pair of 535 or PeakSpeeds if you want stick with Grafs.

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Thanks for the reply.  Not so concerned about drilling new holes if needed.  Just looking for alternatives to hunting down a whole new pair of skates as a back-up.  But maybe I just keep an eye out.

As for sticking with Graf, nothing else fits my feet that I have tried so far.  The new Ribcors and maybe Tacks show some promise based on what I've read.  I've tried the Mako and I just can't get my heel to lock.  I've skated in or tried all the Bauers and the closest is the Vapor in an EE, but there are definite places where they lack.  

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Is the 735 a different fit from 535? You could probably find those brand new for the price of mucking around with extra holders, runners, labor and an extra pair of 535s. Also have you tried Jetspeed? I've been in Graf my whole life (505 and 703w), threw on a pair of jetspeeds on at the store and I really liked how they fit.

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Yep, 735 will be same basic fit, as well as G75 Lite and from what I understand the new Peakspeed,  Believe they just vary the internal padding/foams a bit model to model.  But basic boot shape is same.  I know there are classic pairs out there for around $150 new.  With steels and holders running about $90 a pair, maybe it is worth the extra cash to just get a full back-up pair. 

Yep, I've tried Jetspeed boot on (inline version), totally NOT my fit.  Makes sense they would work for you if you wear 703s.  Those are both low volume, narrow lasts. 

I need wide up front, narrow heel and more volume.  And I am in a wide version, which frankly aren't THAT much different from the R (I have a BEAT pair in R width I am converting to inline), with the wide providing a bit more depth, wrap and better overall fit. 

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1 hour ago, krisdrum said:

Yep, 735 will be same basic fit, as well as G75 Lite and from what I understand the new Peakspeed,  Believe they just vary the internal padding/foams a bit model to model.  But basic boot shape is same.  I know there are classic pairs out there for around $150 new.  With steels and holders running about $90 a pair, maybe it is worth the extra cash to just get a full back-up pair. 

Yep, I've tried Jetspeed boot on (inline version), totally NOT my fit.  Makes sense they would work for you if you wear 703s.  Those are both low volume, narrow lasts. 

I need wide up front, narrow heel and more volume.  And I am in a wide version, which frankly aren't THAT much different from the R (I have a BEAT pair in R width I am converting to inline), with the wide providing a bit more depth, wrap and better overall fit. 

Sounds like PeakSpeed will be just the treat for you. 

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