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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission Skate Sizing

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Hi gang, I'm comparing size 7 and 8 Mission Inhaler NLS6 skates.  I probably need a 7.5, but they don't come in half sizes.  As for the 7's, my toes feather the cap and I can wiggle them, but the cap is a bit narrow and I can feel my toes on the sides of the cap.  The arches are a bit tight as well.  Heel lock is good.  There is no negative space in the boot.  The 8's are pretty roomy in the toe cap, overall length seems a bit long as my toes don't come to the end of the boot, width seems OK and heel lock is fine.

Worried that the width of the 7 will cause my feet to hurt, and worried that the "toe slop" in the 8 will affect my skating.  I don't have any local stores that carry different brands, and this is my price point.  Sooo, any thoughts?  Will the 7's stretch out a bit?  Anyone tried Powerfoot inserts to reduce toe slop?  Anyone else caught in-between sizes?


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It sounds like 7 is the right length. Feeling your toes on the sides of the cap isn't bad - as long as you don't feel extreme pressure on the side of your feet in the toe cap area then the 7's should be OK. The toe caps usually don't have much give to them, but the rest of the skate should break in over time as the padding compresses. I think the 8's will be too big and sloppy and will only get worse after they break in and the padding compresses. 

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Cheers, Althoma1. There is a some pressure on the little toes, but not too bad.  It really boils down to a tight overall fit vs roomy toe box.  I've a feeling you are right that once the skates break in they will loosen up a bit.

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