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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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easton mako skates potential problem?

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just bought these as new and i noticed a potential problem with one of the carbon fiber heels.  

part of the carbon fiber looks like it's been jeopardized by being struck with something?  it honestly looks like somebody took a skate and slammed the blade on the side of boot causing this ( peel) to happen as i see a line that go from the problem/potential impact that goes to the black of the boot.

a little shop wear doesn't bother me but what do you guys think?

 see pics







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If you purchased them new I'd be contacting wherever you purchased them from as that looks like a crease in the fibreglass. It goes under the rubber trim, so looks like a fault, rather than damaged caused.

If they're not willing to do anything then I'd go through with recourse via your credit card / payment provider

If still no recourse, I'd just epoxy over the open area of the coating that's pealed away and still be happy with Mako's (I have 3 pairs that I love and bought when Easton went out of business).

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If you can return those, do. If not, brush the sports with fiberglass resin and enjoy. I like the look of these. Those are not carbonfiber btw, that silver composite is called Texelite, a kind of fiberglass. Mako II I think is the only Eastons with carbonfiber "quarter". Mako 8 is also fiberglass but more of a proprietary mix than Texelite.

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