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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mogilny Retail

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Anyone know where I can find a rh inno mogilny blade?

The only places I know of online are 1800faceoff/Peranis and Hockeyoutlet.com and they seem to be out.


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Good luck. Unless you like the Kovalev pattern (they are everywhere), you are SOL. I have been looking for a Fedorov for a couple of months without luck. My guess is that Inno is doing so much work for other companies, they are putting less out under their own moniker.

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Good luck. Unless you like the Kovalev pattern (they are everywhere), you are SOL. I have been looking for a Fedorov for a couple of months without luck. My guess is that Inno is doing so much work for other companies, they are putting less out under their own moniker.

Yeah I guess........isn't the retail Kovy a drury clone?

Also saw rh/lh standard fedo's on hockeyoutlet.com

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I was wondering what Inno is closest to Iggy/Hull (Mission). Thanks, I'm looking for an Inno taper too.

I'm not sure myself, but there's a pretty decent curve chart on Inno's website.

Not sure how much you can glean from that, but it's the best shot I can find.


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