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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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APX 2 Stamp inside my 2017 1X

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I pulled out the end plug to cut a few inches off my new 1X stick and I noticed a bunch of "102" stamps inside along with "APX2" I can't get a picture of this and I've scraped most of it off because there was a bit of red paint over the lettering. 


Does anyone have have any information on why that would be in there? I know 102 is the flex but why would it say APX 2? That stick has been out of production for what...4 or 5 years? There's clearly different shaft dimensions, especially in the hosel but is it the same composite? 

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I believe this was answered on here previously. I think it was just the stamp on the tooling - they didn’t update it at the factory so they were all stamped APX2.  

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