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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Step Blacksteel vs CCM SB Black

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I did a search and couldn't come up with a good comparison. I just picked up some new Ribcor skates, and am looking at getting better steel. These are the two types I'm looking at. Question is, will I be fine on SB Black for $80 (which is in stock), or should I wait and look for Step Blacksteel for $50 more? What difference will I notice? Especially considering I went from $900 1X skates to $300 66Ks, because I'm tired of spending over $600 on skates. I am a B-level beer league player and I skate 3-4 times a week.

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IMHO, besides cost, you'll notice two big differences.  One, the Step Blacksteel will be significantly taller than the SB Black...which could affect your skating if you're not used to it.  However, it's pretty easy to adjust; takes a few hours to get used to the new feel.  Two, Step Blacksteel is a higher grade steel/coating (true diamond carbon coating) and is much better in terms of sharpening.  It takes more passes to get the initial edges on the harder steel, but Blacksteel rarely forms burrs, holds edges significantly longer compared to the SB Black, and I find are more resistant to minor nicks/gouges.  A by-product of Blacksteel being taller is that it will last through more sharpening, all things being equal.  To me, there's no real downside to going with the Blacksteel over the SB Blacks, except the higher price tag.  Performance-wise, some claim that Blacksteeel gives better glide, but on a freshly sharpened pair of Blacksteel vs the same with the SB Black, I don't feel any significant difference, personally.

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