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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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dislocated shoulder

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I think i just dislocated my shoulder last night in a game and wanted to know if anyone else has had experience with this and how long it takes to heal? Im going to see the doctor in the morning just to be sure thats what it is.

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It has been along time since I first dislocated but from what I remember the first time you dislocate your shoulder you will probably be pretty sore from 1-3 weeks. Future dislocations still hurt like heck but the soreness afterwards is not as bad.

Big problem is if you dislocated once you probably will dislocate again unless you have surgery. Go see a orthopedist and see if this is the case. If the orthopedist recommends surgery don't put it off like I did. I waited 5 years and I would dislocate about once a month. It got to the point where if it popped out during a shift on the ice I could pop it back in and keep playing.

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I went through the same thing. It would pop out so often it was rediculous.

I stubbornly passed it off for 2 years before surgery. I recently did the "good" one in, so now I have a repaired one and a tender one.

Best to not play for a week or so, try to use the arm as little as possible. Could possibly be just tweaked, ligaments will be a bit stretched at the moment. See the Dr. asap. The sooner you can get a proper check (MRI) the better. Don't let your pride cause you more pain and further injury. (you read that JR!!!)

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It hurts like crazy, pulling on a t-shirt over your head is almost impossible alone. I was about 4 weeks to play full contact again.

You may notice different motions cause more or less pain, depending on what you tore up when it got dislocated. Have it get checked out and give it the rest and rehab they suggest. The next time may be easier to dislocate, or it may not happen again. Mine was just once - so far, and it happened about 3 years ago. I'm still playing a couple of times a week and things feel good.

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Don't let your pride cause you more pain and further injury. (you read that JR!!!)

I know, I know!

I actually talked to a guy with the same injury and he said the recovery time wasn't that bad...

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