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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tips for a new center..

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I'm 27 and have been playing for about 3 years now. This is the 2nd half of my 2nd beer-league season. I've played D and wing up until now. I was drafted on to a new team, and it looks like I might be playing center..

I played my first game there last night and loved it. Not having to start, stop, or stand still really fits my skating strengths.. I'm also a little weak in one-on-one situations, and playing center seems to reduce the frequency of those..

As far as tactics go, though I need to learn them quick.. Basically, I know to move to whichever side the puck is on and if my D-man or winger is outnumbered, to move in and even up the odds. If my defenders have one of their players outnumbered, find the attacker that was left open and cover him. If neither of my D-men are in front of the net, cover the guy there..

I think I have a decent handle on the lateral movement, but I feel like I got caught too high or too low at times..

I'm pretty comfortable on draws, and won about half of them last night against much better players with lots of experience at C..

Any other tips??

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Tie up your man on the face-offs - even if you don't win your guy can't go anywhere. Let the wingers be deep on the forecheck. The centre has the most ground to cover so don't be slow getting back. Watch what other good centres do, and learn from them - learn what not to do from the poor ones.

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First man on the forecheck, first man back on the backcheck. Make sure you stay with the opposing centre. Just hover around everywhere and create some pressure on the opposing team, but don't get out of position.

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