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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The most embarrassing thing?

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What was the most embarrssing thing that happened when playing hockey?  

Mine : I took two broken hockey stick a Christian and a Sherwood ,  I cut a male and female and used epoxy and 1/4" dowel in two spots . So I left it in the basement with clamps on it .   

 Then my dad goes to the basement and he decides that it would be a good idea to contact cement black sand paper to the blade .  I wish I was making this up . I was a peewee so I bring the one stick  and my team mates give me a hard time . Then we go on the ice . One of my team mates goes up to the reff and brings it to his attention  . I get booted from the game because of sandpaper on the stick I made from two broken ones out of necessity. And I had tape and taped it in the locker room.  Embarrassed and angry at my father and the dummy that dimed me out .  

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