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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Taping the Toe

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There is a small crack/chip in the toe of my blade. The stick is stil very useable, but I figured if I tape over it and prevent it from splitting right in half, I will get some extra life out of it.

Is there an excepted "best way" to do it?

I know, I know...PP...but someone must have a method...


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I do the same as the others, but I would suggest epoxying the chip as well as taping over it. I think that would help it last longer.

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There was a thread about epoxy a while back...I'll have to dig it up....

another thing i have done is to put epoxy on the edge of the blade. I live in Singapore, and getting the blade pattern you like from the LHS here is really difficult. THe guy there just wants to sell what he had in stock, he doesnt care about whether you like the pattern or not... just wants to clear his stock so he can get the new stock ordered. I bought the pattern i really liked to use (Sherwood LeClair) and have done this to make the blade last longer for inline hockey. What i did was:

1) Mix epoxy resin with the hardener (you can get this from the local hardware store). do this in a well ventilated area, smells a bit funky

2) Apply the mixture to the edge of the blade (the part that always gets worn down)

3) allow the epoxy to set before using the blade/stick. take about 5 min, or 2 hours depending on the type you use.

essentially what happens is that you are adding a layer that will wear down slowly (one application of about 1/4 inch thickness will last me about 2 sessions of 2hr hockey on rough concrete. Smooth concrete = about 4 sessions; asphalt about 1 session or less)

not only does this lengthen the life of the blade, but i dont have to worry about finding the same pattern again. Just think about it this way... i used to change the blade once every 2-3 months. Now i change it once or twice a year!

Mind you, the epoxy does put a little more weight onto the blade, but that doesnt really concern me much at all. one technique i have used to keep the epoxy from flowing off the edge is to use some masking tape (the yellowish type) and tape up the front and back of the blade... this forms a small channel for the epoxy to be applied, and the epoxy will set in this 'mould'. Hope you guys understand what i am trying to say... takes a little practice to get it right, but i have been doing it for about 4 years...

I found your "Epoxy Post"...Would contact cement (applied in a thin layer) work as well. I'm in a small apartment, I'd rather not get into anything that is going to be really messy/smelly...it will take days to get rid of the smell.

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To tape the toe I do it length wise, then rip 2 small pieces of tape and wrap each around opposing sides of the blades to make it easier to tape (I usually use a round toe)

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whew!.. even i forgot that i posted that...

actually, the smell is not very strong. I only do it in my room, and its not that noticeable (except for a few brands). as to your question about the contact cement, i havent really tried it yet, but i dont think it would work as good as the epoxy.

I will be doing up my stick in the next few days, or in two weeks when i get back from my travelling for work.

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finally got a chance to do up the epoxy layer on the bottom part of the blade. There wasnt any hockey for me this last month... basically rained everyday.

how do i add the pics to the post?

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You have to have them uploaded somewhere, then use the IMG buttom to enter the HTML to post the pic....

If you have no way to do it...send them to me and I can post them.

PM me for the e-mail

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RadioGaGa - Can you do the epoxy outside? Cuz after you put it on the smell isn't as strong if you would just let it dry in your room after you applied it outdoors.

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I just keep wrapping around and trim it with scissors. You could try taping a piece length-wise around the blade also.

ya thats how i do it 2

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I also do it the same as all you guys another way you can to do it is take a small peice and put it along the very toe of the blade and then do a normal tape job

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