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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM Pro Tacks (05 model) break in time

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Bit of a story so bear with me.  I used to play rec hockey years ago but then got an illness (and laziness once I got better) and stopped playing.  Right before I stopped I came across a pair of new pro tacks dirt cheap so I got them to replace my 652s.  I never played in them.

Fast forward 10-12 years and I want to start playing again now that I have lost the 100 pounds I put on.

So I have these pair of tacks that fit my foot but are stiffer than anything I’ve ever been in.  After baking will I be able to break these in playing once a week?  Or should I just bit the bullet and get a pair of new, current year skates.

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Pro Tacks were amazing, if they fit, I say ride them for a bit. They may take some breaking in after baking, but hit up a public skate or two and you should have no problem. If they have scalloped blades, definitely look for a back up pair though

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Thanks for the reply.  I figured I'd throw them on my foot to make sure they still fit tonight.

Sides of my foot felt pinched for the first 10 minutes, then it was bliss for the next 20.

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