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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Moving from youth to junior skates

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Hey all, I'm wondering if anyone can possibly give me a fresh perspective on a skate issue my nephew is having.

He's currently in youth skates size 13 D and is just about to out grow them. My brother got him fitted into S190s in D width size 1 but when he skates in them, he has pain in the middle of his sole. It's not the sides of his foot but dead center. We've tried all sorts of insoles, the ccms. superfeet black, and we've tried putting the insoles from his old skates in, and it's always the same, pain in the middle of the foot.

My brother just took the skates in to be rebaked at a very reputable hockey store, and after two hours consulting with them, they say my nephew has big bones at the side of his foot, and sold my brother on superfeet yellow, despite my nephew saying the arches were way too high for him on those, and previously having superfeet black not work for him, to solve the issue. I'm not pleased about that. My nephew and I have similar feet, and yellow is definitely not the right fit for him.

My brother also took him to see an orthopaedist and they said all he needs to do is wrap his feet until he gets used to the skates and gets stronger.

I'm wondering if anyone has an opinion on what the issue is. Is it because the new skates are too stiff for him? Are they still a little too big? Are the maybe not wide enough? OR does he just need to suck it up, wrap his feet, and just break the new skates in more? 

In terms of skating ability, I'd say he's somewhere in the middle of his age group, great straight line speed, needs to work on his edging more. Tends to go all straight legged when he gets tired.  

Any thoughts would be helpful.

Thanks in advance. 

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