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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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xn10 or R2 xn10

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hey guys i am deciding which one to get so can you guys help. which one will perfrom better???? i would prob use wood heads in the shaft but any coments on performance and feel will be great i want what will feel more lively when shooting.

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I can't speak for the xn10 but I own a R2 xn10 and absolutely love it. I have to use a pretty substantial blade because I play inline, but it still is extremely light and has survived a lot of use. The feel is also great, and I can't complain about its performance.

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I used the R2 xn10...and is the same thing as a XN10...ONLY difference is the choose of blade...if you like the blade of the XN10 and the selection of curve then pick up a XN10...

AS for the R2 XN10...for a tapered shaft is the lighter...but same shaft as the XN10....me, i used a sicore inginla synthesis in...and it felt really nice...no vibration...no blade-heavy...but i would still say the OPS is a BIT lighter(nothing big)

AS for the durabillity...I JUST BROKE MINE LIKE 2 DAY AGO...:'( ..after only 1 month and a half!!!!

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Like colbra says, they aren't durable but that goes for both sticks. If I were you i'd go with the R2 XN10 because of the blade availibility and no need to shell out another $175 for a broken blade on an XN10.

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