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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Response+ Problem

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Ok, so santa brought me a response+ for Christmas. I was using a Vector 120 and loved it, but it started chipping and I could tell its days were numbered so now its my backup, kinda. I started using the Response+ right away but could never get used to it. It feels way different with the puck and I sometimes lose the puck and/or dont get enough wood on my shots and passes. Lately Ive been giving up on it during the 1st period and going back to the V120. Any help would be great. ;)

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First off, the feel is different due to the blade construction. As for the passing/stickhandling are the lies or flexes off?

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Nope same curve and flex, thats why I dont understand why its so hard to get used to. I have a game tonight and im gona just try to rough it out the whole game with it. maybe I need to just get through the rough time.

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The general notion is that the R+ has superior feel compared to the Vectors. Are you sure the lies are the same? What patterns did you have for both sticks?

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I betcha you have a 120C. Going from a contoured shaft to a concave shaft will greatly affect your stickhandling, shot and overall feel for the puck. When you use you a contour shaft you can really wrap your hand around the shaft, opposed to a concave shaft were your hands rest and sink into the scouped-out walls of the shaft. By jumping back and forth you are making the transition from one shape handle to another very difficult. If you want to completley adjust to the R+ you need to forget about the 120 and solely use the R+. If after 4-5 games of use you are still not use to it, then go back to the Vector, but only after 4-5 games of strictly using the R+. Something tells me if you stick to that you won't be going back to the Vector - - but I could be wrong. . .

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Thanks, I hope thats the case. I had 4 assists last night but I still feel a bit timid shooting which makes me wait a second longer on shots. I will take your advice and stick with it the next 4 games or so.

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