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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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EZ Goal Wheels

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Has anyone figured out a truly easy way of folding/moving their EZ Goal?  We've had the goal + side panel backstops for a little over a year and love the unit.  However, it's too heavy and awkward for my 9 year old and/or wife to move it in and out when I'm not home.  I attempted to purchase just the wheel kit, but could only buy it in a package w/ a shooting floor (which I don't particularly want) for $40.  When I got it and installed the wheels, I found that they are unusable.  The side panels prevent me from tilting the net forward to engage the wheels.  If I swing the panels backwards (which they are not really designed for), I can tilt the net forward...but only about 1 foot.  At this point the front of the posts hit the ground disengaging the wheels and/or the side panels fall forward...either way the unit won't roll.  

Am I doing this wrong or is it just a terrible design?

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