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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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bauer stick code help

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Looking at a couple of bauer sticks that the seller says are custom ordered 1x lite.  The pics show the same graphics as 1x lite but blue instead of red on the stick.  The code on the stick is 1x-04G and then S181x.  Pretty sure the S181x means that it is a 2018 model 1x so this is promising.  Can anyone tell me what the 1x-04G means?  Just want to make sure I'm getting what I think it is or at least something close.  Thanks in advance.

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As far as I'm aware, the S181X is the part you'd want to be concerned about - and you're right, that indicates those are a true 1X Lite construction. The 1X-04G I'm not positive on, but I'd assume it's an identifier for something like the graphic package.  

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