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Dr. Smushkin Camps

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Anyone have current opinions/thoughts on the Dr. Smushkin Camps? I have looked for reviews, and came across a thread here back from 2007, but thought that may be dated. We do not live in the Toronto area, but took my 9 year olds to other camps over their winter break in Toronto, trying to gather feedback if that camp is worth another trip, or if the same concepts are being taught at other camps by now



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It has been forever since I've been on the forum, but I have some input.  I realize this is from last summer, but hopefully it helps others looking for this summer. 

My son and niece and nephew have been working with a Smushkin trained instructor for the last 2+ years.  This person used to be one of his best apprentices from what I understand. 

The changes in all of their skating and skills have been pretty dramatic! The approach builds slowly as skills progress and what may seem like insignificant drills do add up to a greater whole.  But I think you only get the full benefit from that with consistency.  if you are thinking of just a week long camp, you likely can get similar instruction elsewhere.  If you have the opportunity to work with him more regularly. that is where I think you'd see the most upside.

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