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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer One95 pants recommendations

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Hey guys, kind of an outdated gear topic but anyways.

I just joined a new team with ~oilers colourway and I had to buy new pants (couldn't go pro-stock because they don't have the orange stripe 😥) and price difference not worth choosing a shell.

Anyways, the ones that fitted best both my body and wallet were those one95 pants. 

I therefore wondered what has been your experience with them (durability, comfort) and if there was anything I should be looking out for. 🙂

thanks a lot!

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One95 might be hard to score nowadays, but the Nexus 1000 and Nexus 1N are pretty close (slightly lighter but same fit).


I've seen plenty people wear through the material around the plastic insert in the kidney area, this might be something to look for and eventually reinforce.

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On 8/3/2018 at 10:09 AM, gosinger said:

One95 might be hard to score nowadays, but the Nexus 1000 and Nexus 1N are pretty close (slightly lighter but same fit).


I've seen plenty people wear through the material around the plastic insert in the kidney area, this might be something to look for and eventually reinforce.

Thanks for the tip!

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