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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Natural wear and tear or did the sharpener mess up my blades?

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I just recently noticed that my skates felt a little weird after sharpening. Felt like I was pitched forward more than usual and I wasn't as stable. I thought it was all in my head until I swapped into my back up steel and things felt normal again. I then compared my current steel to my back up pair and saw what's in the pictures below. Both sets of steel are the exact same age, bought within a week of one another.. The one on the bottom has only been ground twice. Once to a 12' radius and then to a 13' radius. The steel on top has only been profiled once to a 12' radius and then sharpened approximately 10 times. 

I know the two blades are different radii, but Is this much steel supposed to be missing on the toes and heel after 10 sharpenings? Any opinions and/or insight would greatly be appreciated. I don't want to bitch and moan unless I'm sure.

Thanks in advance.




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There are some different factors at work here and I am sure the sharpening experts can speak to that more but generally every time your steel is worked on the shape will change a bit.  The profiling shouldn't hit the ends but the profiler may have tried to blend in a bit.  Then over time the sharpening may also effect the tips.  The top pick of the toe, being more severe obviously, might make you feel a bit more pitched forward I guess.  The bottom pick shows a place you will never touch when skating. 


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To me, it looks like they were too aggressive with the toe and heel when engaging the wheel. I dont know why people sharpen all the way to the very ends of the steel... you dont skate on those parts! 

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