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Bowflex Selecttech Dumbells

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Anyone try these yet? I'm looking to purchase a knock off of these made by Nautilus which is also a great company, The concept seems really good. I mean you only need 2 dumbells. but the cost is ridiculous. Any reviews or opinions?


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I really looked into these before x-mas. The concept is good and I saw a few different models. As long as you'll get good use out of'em all of the models seemed good. The Bowflex was the flashiest and easiest to use IMO, but for the cost, not worth it over the other "lesser" brands. There's a few outlets in Mississauga if you want to take a look Fitness Depot and another which splips my mind each had the Bowflex and some other models on display.

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I really like the concept of the dumbells for a home gym, all u need is those two and a bench thats adjustable and you havea good base. Get a bar and some various plates and your set.

As for the Bowflex it`s self, I`ve never used one but I despise the concept of the resitance training to gain mass, maybe for strength and endurance, but gor mass and saftey wise I don`t agree.

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I've got something similar to a cable gym. Its a Body Soild gym. It cost me about 1500.00 It's awesome. It replicates freeweights but its cables which are attached to a weight stack. I just think the select tech dumbells would add more variety for lunges and bicep curls. I scrapped that idea and bought a couple of Hex dumbells for 0.59 lbs at Fitness Source. you cant go wrong with that price.

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