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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ice to Inline conversion questions

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I've decided I'm going to take one of my pairs of skates and convert them so I can start playing roller, but curious to hear a few opinions before I do so.

The two skates have are pro-stock Bauer X7.0 and CCM Jetspeed 290, both feel great on my feet and are about the same level of boot stiffness. Initially I was thinking I would convert Bauer skates because they have the older/shorter holders compared to the SB4.0 on the CCM. However I was looking at the midsoles and the CCM have a plastic/composite while the Bauer have what appears to be a fiberglass construction. Also the Bauers are 5+ years old with presumable a season or two of heavy use (I got them second/third hand off ebay) while the CCMs don't have that much stress or signs of wear on them.

Do you think one boot would hold up better to the conversion than the other?

Also, I was planning on using this method of attaching them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esmxPCpPTJo&t= 

I've seen lots of people on here seemingly use this method, i'm not too worried about the increased weight compared to rivets but is this method sufficiently strong and durable?


Thanks in advance!

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just to make sure, you are talking about the Bauer X7.0 (mid-range model) and not the x7.0 (top-model below the APX, same as the classic x:60)?

My x7.0 and x:60 conversions have all held up great, no experience with the mid-range X7.0 though.

The method linked is the "T-Nut and screw" method, I've done multiple ice-to-inline conversions and even inline-to-ice, the T-Nuts have held up amazingly but I never undo them once I've mounted and secured the screws using loctite.

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