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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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QUAD 1 -Clarkie's Tooth

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This is round 2 of the prosharp experiment for me. My first taste was with the Zuperior S. It was a tremendous eye opener for me (you can find it on the Triple Radius page). After reading the benefits of the Quad1 on the prosharp page, I was super excited to see if the Quad1 could be even better than the Zuperior. The Zuperior was a clear upgrade over my non-profiled blades in all areas, and especially in terms of glide. 

To be honest, however, the Quad1 was a let down. The great glide I felt with the Zup was gone. It felt as though my skates were sunk in mud by comparison. Acceleration was better than non profiled, almost on par with the Zup. Stability was good on the Quad1. Mobility was not great, and seemed not as quick to react versus the Zuperior. In general, the skate felt heavier, and I caught myself over emphasizing strides and crossovers. This was quite evident when I was doing a drill where I did a tight figure 8 pattern consisting only of small quick crossovers (foot speed edge drill). As for sharpening, the same 3/4ROH was used on the Quad1. 


For me, the Quad1 lacked the speed upgrade of the Zuperior S.

Acceleration: 3

Mobility: 3

Speed: 2

Stability:  4

Edited by clarkiestooth

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