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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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HELP! Looking 4 skates like he950 missions

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Hey everybody.. quick question for you all.

i use to have a pair of some Mission he950 from back in the day and they were the most comfortable skates I’ve ever owned.. super lightweight and just a great fit.

i just bought a pair of Mission NLS3 and I don’t like them at all!! They don’t even feel like missions.. it’s weird.

Anybody have any any advice on skates like the he950?


thanks a lot!!

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Bauer purchased Mission in late 2008. From approximately 2009/2010 on, the Mission skates have been based on the Bauer Supreme last and definitely fit differently from Mission skates produced before 2009.

The person who designed your he950 skates, the member Justin 1933, went on to co-found the Alkali roller hockey brand and was the lead designer there for several years. In 2017 Alkali was bought by the company that owns HockeyTron; so I'm not sure if the fit has changed with their newer skates, but until that time the RPD line was said to have a fit similar to some pre-Bauer Mission skates. 

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@althoma1 wow.. what a wonderfully detailed answer. Thank you very much for that information. When I bought the missions I never even considered that brand because of the unknown.. but now I’ll check them out with that info in mind.


I appreciate your your time and the help🙂👍



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