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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Anyone know of any Easton e700 helmets for sale?

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Haven't seen the E700 for a while but my local Canadian Tire has a bunch of old E600 stock remaining.  Don't think the E600/700 came in XL though.

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3 hours ago, mickz said:

Haven't seen the E700 for a while but my local Canadian Tire has a bunch of old E600 stock remaining.  Don't think the E600/700 came in XL though.

By coincidence was visiting Vancouver at the end of March and Sportchek Metrotown had a matte black E700 w/ white cage and glossy black E600 w/ chrome cage on clearance, but did not take notice of the size and the picture I took is too fuzzy to make out the cage size.  Not available online, but you could try asking Sportchek online customer service about which stores might still have the combos and/or just the matte black E700 helmet.  Or go into any physical SC store and have an employee check their portal for Canada-wide inventory.  SKU's were 331327097, 331169918, and 331156966 respectively. 

A Canadian Tire store can also check inventory at other locations too.  Per mickz's post, their website shows Grandview & Boundary location has lots of E600 combos in large and medium black.

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