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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

FT2 Skates - Free StepSteel - How long?

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Anyone buy new CCM skates recently and fill out the web form for the free StepSteel? If so how long did they take to receive?

I've posted before about the trouble my son has run into with CCM eyelets. For the FT2's I've taken them out of the box and applied a light coat of Rust Check with a small paint brush in an attempt to delay the corrosion that happens on the stamped eyelets that lead to them pulling out of his boot.

We'll see how it goes! He's off on Monday to head to camp, with the hopes a season might start before too long, pending health authorities approving the league to go ahead.


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Free StepSteel showed up today, so less than 10 business days, kudos to CCM the process was painless and quicker than I expected!


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8 hours ago, colins said:


Free StepSteel showed up today, so less than 10 business days, kudos to CCM the process was painless and quicker than I expected!


Ive seen as fast as 5 days and as long as 28. I think it depends on your location and the stock for a specific steel size. 

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