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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Bauer Vapor Skate Width

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Hey everyone. So my brother is getting some new skates. He’s currently in Bauer Vapor X:30 (from 2009) in size 7.5EE. He’s looking at the 2017 Vapor 1X, but given that they’re on clearance, he can only get them online, thus he won’t be able to try them on first. Should he get the same size (7.5EE) or has there been any change in Vapor widths in the time between 2009 and 2017? My assumption is that it’s the same but just want to be sure before he places an order. Thanks a lot!

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Bauer lengths have changed since then. Not sure if the change applies to Vapor skates as I've never worn them, but in Supreme, a 7.5 from back then would be equivalent to a 7 today

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15 minutes ago, dkmiller3356 said:
1 hour ago, Miller55 said:

Bauer lengths have changed since then. Not sure if the change applies to Vapor skates as I've never worn them, but in Supreme, a 7.5 from back then would be equivalent to a 7 today

Gotcha. Thanks a lot for the info!

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17 minutes ago, dkmiller3356 said:

The width of those two models is about the same.  The depth however is not.  The X30 is deeper.

I see. Is the length the same between those two models?

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