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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Yet Another Pants Fit Question, which...

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...wouldn't be necessary if these companies would standardize what s, m, l, and xl mean.  Oh well...anywaze...

I am still 5'9"...33-34" waist...165 lbs...40" chest...Warrior QRL medium...CCM HP45 large.

What would I wear in...
Bauer Vapor 1X?

Thanks folks!

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Ok...no idea how these folks figure size but I am good in a large AS1.  I have to unzip the +1 length feature to get coverage (same with my HP45).  These are a little more snug than the 45's and of course the Warrior QRL is slightly loose in medium but with suspenders...love 'em.  I can't figure it. I have no idea how someone with my dimensions but 6' tall could possibly use these pants. Bottom line...they fit and protection is insane! Beauty!

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