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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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s Greens

removing blade

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im not sure if its been discussed already (searched and found nothing), but im having a tough time gettin a hybrid synthesis blade out of my response shaft (broken OPS of course). I want to keep the blade, so cutting and drilling the rest out is not an option i want to go to. Ive tried a heat gun as well as an open flame torch (bad!), but neither of those two will even get the blade to come out even the slightest amount.

Any suggestions would be helpful


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make sure you hit it with the heat gun long enough to melt all that glue. The trick is to work quickly once you take the heat off, b/c the glue dries quick!! I have someone help me out. I have them stand right next to me, with a pair of gloves on of course, and i hit the stick with the heat. As soon as i take the heat off i'll grab the shaft and have my friend yank the blade out. If you're having trouble getting a grip on the broken piece of blade, try using a pair of pliers.

Oh one more thing, make sure you work the heat around evenly. if you heat up one side, then move to another, the glue is gonna dry up on the first side you did. move the heat around the whole stick so you're melting all the glue together. good luck!!!

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Put on some gloves with a tacky material for extra pulling power. I have a pair of gloves from the hardware store that are dipped in that tool coating for really stubborn blades.

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Once it's heated, hold the stick so that the bottom of the blade is flat on the ground, put your foot on top of the middle of the blade and yank with both hands. That's got some stubborn ones out for me with no damage to shaft or blade. When I had the original Nike AIK with the metal tenon area that was the only way I could get blades out.

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