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Bauer Supreme 3S Pro and pitch

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Trying to figure out what sort of forward pitch the 3S Pro's have built into them.  Are they pitched forward a bit or are they more of a neutral pitch?  Buddy of mine wants to experiment with profiling, but is trying to figure out if he wants the keep the pitch in the profiles or reduce / remove the profiles pitch.

Thanks !

Edited by noupf

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On 8/3/2022 at 12:33 PM, noupf said:

Trying to figure out what sort of forward pitch the 3S Pro's have built into them.  Are they pitched forward a bit or are they more of a neutral pitch?  Buddy of mine wants to experiment with profiling, but is trying to figure out if he wants the keep the pitch in the profiles or reduce / remove the profiles pitch.

Thanks !

If you are referring to the boot pitch, it's very minimal in the Supreme. 

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