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Change son’s Zuperior M profile?

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Hi, my son currently skates on a zuperior M profile and has for the last 2 years. His skating coach and I have noticed he’s picking up his heel a little bit and not getting full power from his stride. He’s a good skater and made national camp this past year. Skating coach said maybe we should look into changing profile. Is there anything we can do with the current profile (change the pitch?) or maybe should we switch to a quad profile (maybe quad 0.5 due to 8 in front)? We didn’t do anything extra to the zuperior profile and he had his blades reprofiled in November by a legit equipment manager. Thanks for any advice. 

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20 hours ago, Benderdad said:

Hi, my son currently skates on a zuperior M profile and has for the last 2 years. His skating coach and I have noticed he’s picking up his heel a little bit and not getting full power from his stride. He’s a good skater and made national camp this past year. Skating coach said maybe we should look into changing profile. Is there anything we can do with the current profile (change the pitch?) or maybe should we switch to a quad profile (maybe quad 0.5 due to 8 in front)? We didn’t do anything extra to the zuperior profile and he had his blades reprofiled in November by a legit equipment manager. Thanks for any advice. 

How often are you getting the steel profiled? From November to now is a lot of time, assuming he sharpens his skates weekly, and has at least two sets of steel. The profile changes pretty quickly if you are doing hand sharpening and still changes with automated sharpening, though much slower.

As for him lifting his heel, I am not convinced it's a profile issue specifically and would need to see video to getting a more clear picture. Usually you want full extension and toe snap. 


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We have 3 sets of steel that we rotate and we use a sparx machine. I get the toe snap/flick, it seems his heel comes up before he gets full extension. I’ve taken slo mo video of him skating, you can also hear it when he’s skating sometimes (I’m one of his coaches). Don’t know how to explain it other than it’s makes more noise than normal before the toe flick with full extension, like slicing the ice. Not sure if it’s the 7/8th he skates on that maybe makes his skating noisier (I skate on 1/2 in). His skating coach thought maybe he’s leaning too much onto his toes with the 6 in the front. I could just be neurotic but I figured now that hockey slows down with off season we could look into trying something else to correct it. 

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14 hours ago, Benderdad said:

We have 3 sets of steel that we rotate and we use a sparx machine. I get the toe snap/flick, it seems his heel comes up before he gets full extension. I’ve taken slo mo video of him skating, you can also hear it when he’s skating sometimes (I’m one of his coaches). Don’t know how to explain it other than it’s makes more noise than normal before the toe flick with full extension, like slicing the ice. Not sure if it’s the 7/8th he skates on that maybe makes his skating noisier (I skate on 1/2 in). His skating coach thought maybe he’s leaning too much onto his toes with the 6 in the front. I could just be neurotic but I figured now that hockey slows down with off season we could look into trying something else to correct it. 

Grab some video and share it, please? 

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