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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Xbox Live

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right now my signal strength for my satilite is in the 50s which is getting fixed on wednesday.

the connection speed to my xbox is 100.0 Mbps. after i get it fix im going to be interested in seeing if this goes higher or not. if it does or doesnt what is a good speed for games especially halo 2 to run smoothly?

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With PS2 online I use cable and it runs smooth, things lag real bad if you use something else. I wouldn't know about X-Box life but I assume it would be similar.

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Just to clarify, you have to have dsl or cable to use xbox live, thats what makes it so much better than Ps2.

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if going to a friends house who has high speed, could i bring my cable and hook it up and play live at his house?

i dont use a router because i use the sharing thing out of my hard drive

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Do you mean bringing your xbox? If you had an account on ur box and you hooked it up to a dsl or cable connection it would work.

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Not sure about satellite connections but my friends have cable and adsl and it works very well on their Xbox's.

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I have dsl and for some reason i get disconnected for no reason. I'm sure I just have bad dsl though.

I don't have a Xbox (I have a PS2) but I hear the Xbox disconnects you when your connection speed drops significantly and isn't up to par with the minimum right? I'm not sure about this but this is what I heard.

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