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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Stick grip coating spray?

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I am demoing a new pair of gloves to be released in 2024 and while they are amazing, the palm itself doesn't have very much grip. All the current sticks I am using are grip (FT6 Pro, Catalyst 9X3, etc) and I really hate doing a candy cane tape job. What do you all use for grip spray coating? I previously could source the same grip spray they use for hockey sticks, basically a type of furniture lacquer, but the person I bought it from apparently can no longer source it. 

I tried using a tape beater, inside out hockey tape rubbed on the shaft to add grip, but it still didn't provide enough grip and also doesn't last very long. 

A friend suggested a light dusting of Flex Seal spray to the glove palms. Not sure how I feel about that idea.....

I am open to suggestions or products.


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9 hours ago, shoot_the_goalie said:

maybe spray a very light coating of 3M Super 77 on the palms?  I remember when I used to play with a wooden stick, there would be kids who used a little pine tar.  Not sure how that would work on composite sticks though.

I'll try that next time. This coating of Gorilla Max Strength Construction Adhesive Clear that I put on lightly with a foam sponge did amazing. I may have added too much grip, lol.

We will see if it holds or if it pulls away from the nash/clarino material one it gets wet. 

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