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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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prostockhockeysticks.com Custom Stick

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About Me

Height: 6’3”

Weight: 240 lbs 

Shoots: Right

Recent Stick History: Bauer Hyperlite, Sherwood EK365, Warrior QRL, Pro Redline 

Stick Info: Kovalchuk Thrashers Curve, 85 flex
Height: Uncut
Weight: 375g (apprx)

Grip: Yes

Grip Material: Basketball Grip
Length: 64"

Shaft Shape: Super Round

Kick Point: Low
Usage: 6 months




Pro has been making sticks for a long time.  The feel of the blade feels like any top of the line stick out at the moment.  I would compare it to the Vapor series from Bauer.  Receiving a pass feels fantastic.  


The 85 Flex feels like most 85s out on the market.  I'm able to load up the shaft without any struggle and the release feels great.  I would compare this to the Vapor as well.  I like to use a lower flex than I should.  

The shaft feels amazing.  The feel is comparable to the ek15 from sherwood.  Nice and balanced.  Easy to stick handle and shoot with.

Stickhandling/receiving passes:

I found the positive attributes of the blade also lead to a good, crisp ping when receiving passes. Likewise when stickhandling.  The stick feels well balanced and crisp.  


In my opinion this is the best part of this stick. If your primary shot of choice is a snap shot you will find an increase in shot performance versus the other brands on the market. 

In terms of wrist shots I found it easy to load versus other major brands.  I use more wrist and snap shots than slap shots.  


Feels extremely Light.


The stick is holding up well.  No issues to report


The price is up there as a current model. It is a beautiful stick.  I went with an all white option.


Geppetto and Pro have done a great job in terms of growing a market for custom sticks.  They really have the best value and execution at the moment.  They are my go to sticks these days.  You can get a fantastic stick that won't break your budget.  

Edited by iceman8310

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