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Profiling each runner separately - ProSharp AS 2001

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Hi, I’ve been searching for info regarding this topic but haven’t found anything yet. If there’s already an existing thread, feel free to direct me to that! 

I’ve recently gained access to a ProSharp AS 2001 AllPro and have been been teaching myself to profile on it. It’s the older one with the lever clamp that isn’t self-centering so I can’t use the twin blade holder to profile two runners at once and therefore have to do each one individually. After the first runner is done I put in the second one clamped at the same spot and move the sled over to the grinding wheel but the roller no longer stops spinning at the designated mark on the template. I’m assuming this is because some material has been lost from the grinding wheel so I readjust and make that the roller stop spinning at the mark again. However, when the second runner is finished I compare the two runners and the profiles start and stop at different points. I’ve done this several times but no matter how accurate I try to be with the roller and mark on the template (using several minutes with sled speed completely slowed down) the starting/stopping points of the profiles on the two runners are always off by around 2-4mm. 

I also tried not adjusting the roller for the second runner on and old set of steel but they ended up being even more off. Is this normal or is there something I’m missing here? I’m assuming the different radiuses will still be at the same points since each runner was clamped at the exact same spot, but I ended up with slightly different heights/amounts of steel at the toe and heel. Does this not matter so much once I blend the toe since not much steel is taken from the heel? 

I’ve attempted to re-profile runners where the starting/stopping points don’t match with a different profile as well and made sure to account for the pitch adjustments when clamping. It seems like with the re-profile that significantly different amounts of steel are being taken away at different points. The back half of the runners line up,  but there’s about a millimeter of height difference moving towards the front and one seems flat in the toe area while the other is more rounded. 

It’s highly possible that this is pure user error but I can’t for the life of me figure out what I’m doing wrong. 

PS - I don’t work at a shop or anything and I’ve been doing this on my own steel so I haven’t been messing up a customer’s/anyone else’s runners. 

Edited by gutta26

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