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  1. I've skated in Vapors for a long time now (9D, 280mm), and I grew very accustomed to the stock 9' radius. As I've gotten older I've realized I want a little more stability when I'm more upright, so I took them to our only local shop that I'd trust with skates (they specialize in skate stuff) and had them change the profile. While the guys at this shop are knowledgeable and professional, they have a very strong preference for CAG profiles as opposed to Prosharp (they do have a Prosharp machine but they actually license their own CAG machine design to some pro teams). After several return visits, I'm now skating on a 20/40 profile which I believe is pretty similar to a 10' radius. So it's not a very big change. I'm not unhappy, but it's not quite what I was looking for. I'm looking at finally replacing my Vapors with some Cat 9s (8.5, 272mm), and I think it might be time to revisit the profiling issue. What I'm looking for is the feeling of the 9' radius when I'm accelerating, but a little more stability and glide otherwise. Not a lot, just a little. I'm interesting in trying one of the multi-radii Prosharp options, but there are so many different versions it's hard to know what would work best. I'm curious if anyone can recommend something along the lines of what I'm looking for.
  2. I thought ide start a thread about the new Sharpening and Profiling process from Elite Sharpening Systems. The Habs have been using this system since the beginning of the season. Many other teams are also starting to understand the benefits.... Both the Profiling machine and Sharpening machine have Unequaled precision and use a very unique process!!!! Take a look at this segment (in french) showing the habs EQM manager using the machine: http://www.tvasports.ca/2017/02/13/une-question-de-millimetres Here is the rough translation: Hockey is often said to be a matter of centimeters. However, in some cases it is even a matter of millimeters. Our journalist, Jean-Philippe Bertrand, presented us with a company from our home, whose equipment is in the locker room of the Canadiens. (See video above) The expertise of Aiguisage Élite (Elite Sharpening), based in Beloeil, is also the envy of several National Hockey League teams. "Running in water to the knees is a lot more demanding than running in water up to the ankles," said founding president Denis Proulx. "It's the same thing in hockey. A blade that is too sharp surcharges the ankles, knees and hips. " That's why we developed a machine that sharpens the skates with surgical precision. "The precision is such that it is like taking the size of a hair, then divide it by three and then by two," he added. In the world of professional sport, a hair can make the difference between victory and defeat. That's why we make sure that the players of the Tricolore/Habs evolve in ideal conditions of performance. "It takes three things to sharpen a blade perfectly. The self-centering, a wheel that does not deform and controlled continuous pressure of the wheel" he concluded with his concern for legendary detail. And in addition to sharpening, this South Shore company offers the profiling service for a custom blade with unequaled precision. Just like the Pros!
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