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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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new stick saga

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I thought I was set for the season then my son broke three sticks in one week about a month ago.

We normally buy pro stock sticks on Sideline Swap with good luck. I purchased a 67" 85 flex Warrior LXPRO and it's super. So we decided to take advantage of a super deal from Perani's Hockey World on a closeout LXPRO. They were selling them for $205 plus a 25%  coupon code. We never have sticks under warranty so I thought his would be cool. Ordered December 17 and had the stick before xmas. I wrap it up as a gift. My son opened his gift and it had a big chip out of the toe. It was shipped in a box so it left like this. Perani's sent another right away. It showed up with a creaky blade. Can't believe it. My son taped it up and took it to warmups anyway. The blade completely split at the toe. He never even got to use it.

Now Warrior wants to send a new stick but says no warranty on any replacement stick coming from them. What a crock.








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