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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ccm shafts

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what would be the equivalent to an easton 100 flex in ccm? how about the equivalent of a tps regualr? anything in between? also, does ccm make pro vector 110 tapered shafts? and what is a vector 115 shaft (if its not the vector 110 tapered shaft)?

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the pro v115 i got was a shaft...i was just wondering if it always is/ if its tapered (mine broke a while ago and its gone so i cant look and see).

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They are, but they come with grip

not much...

I'm comparing my v110 retail with the v115 pro stock that I have right now...the decals on the 115 have a small, and I mean very minor, degree of grip to them as compared to the same ones on the v110. Do not think that the v115 is grippy like the v120, because it is not.

As Eazy said, they are different...but I think the main difference between the v110 and the v115 is the materials of construction...primarily in the blade. My v110 has a black material underneath the blue color, whereas the v116 has a white material. The v115 has a slightly thicker blade and is more consistant in its thickness. The v110 blade is thinner at the top than it is at the bottom.

BTW Kovalchuk71, if you are looking for a blade between the modano and sakic (from another thread), you'd love the v115 I have. The curve is like a modano as far as depth, but a bit more open on the toe...not quite sakic open, but more so than the modano. The lie is 5. It was Jason York's pro stock stick.

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the pro v115 i got was a shaft...i was just wondering if it always is/ if its tapered (mine broke a while ago and its gone so i cant look and see).

Are you certain that it is not a cut OPS?

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yea you kno the ones ccm made/makes for certain pros who prefer shaft/wood blade...its justa vector shaft with a wood blade like fused in or something and painted blue just like the shaft so it looks like the ops...i kno bergeron used one for a while...it was one of those

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