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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Where to get a cheap (FREE) ipod?

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I really want an Ipod (probably a mini)

Anyone know where I can get one for a decent price or FREE?

I have heard random stories of people getting free ones online but I dont know how accurate that info is.

Thanks for the help,


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freeipods.com seems to work for friends, but I haven't tried it for my sake. Rarely will you get something free in the world anymore, let alone a couple hundred dollar electronic in high demand.

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freeipods.com really does work. Do some research and you will find out how they can give out free iPods. I'm going to PM you my referall link, and if you do end up signing up for it, please use that link. It would help me get my free iPod.

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